Daak Bunglow Road, Midnapore,West Bengal

Principal Message  

Every instant of time is a pinprick of eternity.
In a world that is increasingly populated, scientifically signified, politically pinpricked and economically energized, there is no dearth of great men and women. What pinches the most is the fact that in spite of the above mentioned comments or compliments as we may take them, the world is morally bankrupt, spiritually superficial since values have long started vanishing from our ‘touch and vanish’ lives and societies. 
At such a juncture, restoring and reconstructing the moral fabric becomes critically essential. And lo! Education was born and is borne with and for this purpose and only for this purpose. In a changing scenario, the concepts of school also have rightly changed keeping pace with time and timely requirements, where a pupil was supposed to venture into something and learn consequently leisurely. Time travels and makes you travel at a speed convenient to the earlier. 
 If charity begins at home, future of the children  also is conceived in the school that paves the way for it. It has been our age old endeavour to create and maintain a harmonious happening between knowledge  and character. Because as stated earlier, we have many great men whom history calls or will call ‘great’ but may not be exactly great whom we may call.  Serene, sublime and yet superb.  The world has more riches today, what we need the most is a constant dose of enrichment. Growth we have. Glow we need.
“Thirty spokes share the wheel’s hub It is the centre hole that makes it useful
Shape clay into a vessel.  It is the space within that makes it useful.
 Cut doors and windows for a room It is the holes which make it useful. ”
Education,  thankfully, is a commendable platform for the passionate who believe that the complex task of shaping the society and the human thought process requires a simple initiative. As usual, character building   and career shaping,  these two aspects of human life get a never before blend in DAV. With the continued traditions of our school I am hopeful, we have even much better days to bring for this institution. With a pinch of positive thinking, a bowl of better ideas and unconditional perseverance and dedication we can ensure a better future for us as well as the society. The DAV movement was conceived with this idea of creating new possibilities in a challenging ambience . I am sure our school is proudly taking forth the concept of Anglo Vedic education in the desired direction.
The prime purpose of education is to bring a positive and constructive change in the human character or behavior. The school is committed to the motto of its makers.  Since actions speak louder than speeches, be with us to know us.  

Happy Browsing !!!


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Daak Bunglow Road, Midnapore,
District Paschim Midnapore, 
West Bengal.
E-mail : [email protected] 
Phone : 9732326097
Website : www.davmidnapore.org

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