Plot No. 8, Daak Bunglow Road, Midnapore, West Bengal [Affiliated to CBSE (Affiliation No: 2430074; School Code: 15577)]

Annual Report  



A very good evening to the ladies and gentlemen. Today I, Abhyanand Mahapatra, Vice Captain of DAV Public School Midnapore and I, Ananya Jana, Captain of Shraddhanand House, feel honoured to           present before you the Annual Report of 2023 of DAV Public School Midnapore.



The academic prowess of the students of DAV Public School was proved again in 2023 Class X and XII Board Examinations.

We are proud to share that in the 2023 Board Examinations , we achieved 100% success in Std X and in XII Commerce and 99.15% in Std XII Sc. In AISSCE-2023, Ankan Samanta of XII Science emerged the School topper by securing 96.6% and Supriti Kundu of XII Commerce made us proud by securing 1st position with 91.2%.This year a total of 28 students of science scored above 90% in Class XII Board Examination.

It is also a moment of great pride that in AISSE,2023  Debarghya Samanta emerged the school topper by securing 97.4%. This year a total of 27 students scored above 90% in class X Board Examination.

             We congratulate the students and express our gratitude to the parents and the teachers for their year-long efforts behind this success.


 It is indeed a proud moment to share that this year total 11 students qualified NEET examination,2023 and are pursuing MBBS Degree in different Govt. colleges of West Bengal .

              The astounding performances of the students continued even in JEE MAINS,2023 and 4 students are pursuing B.Tech  in Jadavpur University, Jalpaiguri Govt.College and NIT, Andhra Pradesh respectively.     

           It is also praiseworthy to note that Sulagna Mandal & Souvagya Samanta are pursuing their degrees in IISER Kolkata and Mohali respectively.

          I feel extremely content to share that our students,Soukarya Chandra and Sreedip Das are currently pursuing a BS programme in Data Science & Application in IIT, Madras and a BS Degree in California State University, USA respectively.

               There are also a good number of students who are pursuing their Agriculture, Pure science degrees ,MBA degrees and Law at various reputed colleges and universities.

         We feel extremely proud to share that Surya Kanti Ghosh of std.X has received the Merit Certificate for his outstanding performance for being in the top 100 students selected from the Bhubaneswar Region in Aryabhatta Ganit Challenge 2023 conducted by the CBSE on all India basis. He has always been a consistent performer in the Mathematics Olympiad and the Science Olympiad with his international ranking within 5.


                 A remarkable number of our students participated in various competitions conducted in our school and also at district and state level and received accolades for their outstanding performances.

            The students of DAV Public School Midnapore, Angela Chakraborty , Soham Acharya and Abhyanand Mahapatra brought honour to the school by qualifying for the final round in G20 THINQ Quiz Competition,2023 conducted on a global level and received Merit Certificates.

                  We take immense pride in informing you that we have been a regular recipient of The Telegraph School Award Excellence in Academics since 2017-18. This year too we received The Telegraph School Awards for Excellence in Academics because of the praiseworthy and commendable accomplishments of the students in Class X &XII Board Exams,2023.

                We felt gratiated when our students, Abhyanand Mahapatra & Srijoy Ganguly, participated in Young Tycoons Business Challenge, an International Singapore headquartered competition organized by Harvard Business School, Massachusetts, USA and reached among the top 30 finalists selected globally for the Grand Finale

 based on their exceptional innovative business ideas and entrepreneurship.  

              Aranya Maji of class 6 & Devashrit Panda of Class 8 qualified VVM (VIDYARTHI VIGYAN MANTHAN ) STATE LEVEL EXAM 2023.

                  Many students have achieved remarkable positions in the International, National, State Level SOF and DAV Olympiads and are awarded medals along with the certificates of excellence.

            We have also encouraged the students to take part in different essay, post card, letter writing & poster making competitions conducted by CBSE, Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, Ramakrishna  Mission Ashram, Postal Dept Of India and Pariksha Pe Charcha,a Govt. initiative.

                Going beyond the limits and adding an extra feather to the school achievements, Manali Chakraborty of class IX has unveiled her creative soul by publishing her first book “CORRESPONDENCE” in November. In her book she has delved into life through vignettes touching every emotion and encapsulating myriad aspects of life.Her book is now available on Amazon.


               Our school has provided many platforms to the students to showcase talents and opportunities to excel in sports. We conducted Annual Sports Meet and Inter-house cricket, football and kabaddi tournaments all year round.

               The exemplary performances of our students were exhibited in DAV Zonal Sports.In the DAV Zonal Sports held at  Durgapur the boys bagged 11 Gold and 3 Silver Medals and the girls won 16 gold and 1 silver medal in Swimming. Both the boys and the girls’ team were declared the Champion in the category of Swimming.

                It is gratifying to say that a significant number of students achieved Gold, silver and bronze medals in different events at DAV Zonal Sports.

          We are extremely proud that our student, Bristy Khatun, achieved the Silver Medal in District School Games in the category of Karate.

            It is indeed a remarkable achievement of Srija Mahato of XI to obtain 3rd position in Rhythmic Gymnastics in West Bengal State School Games. She will be participating in the National Level Rhythmic Gymnastics soon.

           I feel exceedingly content to share that this year a total of 6 girls and 13 boys from our school have been selected for District School Games in different categories.


               To commemorate the birth anniversary of Sardar Ballav Bhai Patel, DAV Public School, Midnapore celebrated Rashtriya Ekta Diwas through  “ Run For Unity”. We also conducted Bal - Mela, a Science and an Art Exhibition, a Book Fair, Fit India- Yoga Day, Independence Day, Republic Day, World Education Day, Teacher’s Day, World AIDS Day,World Environment Day and organized Cleanliness Drive Program, Vanamahotsava and Investiture Ceremony.

                  Our school has also provided an opportunity to the students to serve the underprivileged section of the society. The students distributed stationery items,food items and dry food from their own pocket money among the children of Vidya Sagar Balika Bhaban, Midnapore, an orphanage run to protect and provide education to the girls.

              Birth anniversaries of eminent personalities such as Mahatma Gandhi ,Lal Bahadur Shastri, Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan, Rabindranath Tagore,Swami Vivekananda , Pandit Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, Netaji, Dayanand Saraswati,Mahatma Hansraj, and Mahatma N.D. Grover were celebrated to commemorate their exceptional and enormous contribution to the people and the society.           

               Our students participated in Vedic Chetna Shivir held at  DAV Public School,ECL, Pandaveswar for inculcating vedic values and won prizes.

            Pledging for greener earth, our school took an unique initiative to conduct Mega Tree Plantation Drive at school in collaboration with Rabindra Sarovar’s Friends Forum, an NGO of Kolkata working for the protection of environment, where a total of 25000 saplings were distributed among every student of DAV Institutions of West Bengal Zone to plant at his or her house to take the challenge of transforming this earth into a greener place for everyone to live in.                 


            To hone the latent skills and showcase the talent of the students, a host of co-curricular activities have been organized during the course of this year.


          Our school also provides training and guidance to the Scouts & Guides, Cub & Bulbul on a regular basis and has conducted workshops for both the students as well as the teachers to make them aware of the POCSO laws and acts.

The students of ECO CLUB and SCIENCE CLUB carried out various activities throughout the year under the guidance of the teachers.

              DAV believes in perfection. So  Orientation Programmes were conducted by DAV, CAE and CBSE  to update the teachers with the latest techniques of teaching.

                   It is an honour that Mr. Swarup Bhowmick Sir, an esteemed teacher of this DAV Public School, Midnapore family has set a National Record in the event of “ Maximum Famous Personalities Painted on Indian Postcards by An Individual” conducted by Indian Book of Records, 2023 by painting 77 famous Indian personalities on postcards using different medium. We congratulate him for his outstanding accomplishments.

                     Seated in the lap of nature surrounded by a lush green environment, our school makes it an ideal cradle for pursuing education free from pollution,anxiety and distractions.           


Many milestones have been achieved and many still have to be reached. We at DAV Public School, Midnapore will continue our unceasing efforts to mould the young minds into well balanced personalities with confidence and zeal befitting the standards of this portal of education.

We would like to conclude the Annual Report of 2023 with the lines:

"Don't tell us sky is the limit when there are footprints on the moon.”

Thank you.

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Daak Bunglow Road, Midnapore,
District Paschim Midnapore, 
West Bengal.
E-mail : [email protected] 
Phone : 9732326097/03222-261212
Website : www.davmidnapore.org

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